Do people usually like other people to be in our business? Of course not, that is why people get in so many fights about rumors being spread and others knowing something very private about them.
The US is a very powerful country with many resources others don't. But when does lending a helping hand become too much? Has America become a nazi in other countries?
In my opinion our lending hand has become a blessing to others and for others its become medaling. I feel like we use our help for good causes but when we stick our nose into something that is clearly not our business it could be a suggestive action just to get America's name out there and letting others know how 'powerful' we are.
I feel as though we are both a benefactor and policeperson. It seems when other countries across the ocean get out of control we feel the need to be the policeman and rescue you them for two reasons, our power being known and our fear of it getting worse. Most people want world peace and when things get out of control or chaotic we freak out.
But to also point out we've sent money, people, resources, food, and our country for poverty stricken and desperate countries. When other countries are fighting with each other that is when we shouldn't stick our noses into it. But if a country is desperate and needs a helping hand out of their crisis we should do so. for peace and another greedy and power hungry reason.
In other words, we should learn what's acceptable and not and when to stop medaling and helping when help isn't needed. We are all neighbors right? Shouldn't we give the right amount of sugar or milk?
I think that in all honesty, we do usually try to help other nations. We see ourselves as blessed and called to help other nations. Sometimes the beneficiary though doesn't want our help.